Buddy the dog

The story behind Demand-Genius

We’re experienced SaaS GTM operators who believe great content is critical to an efficient, effective go-to-market motion.

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How Demand-Genius started

Working closely with News and Magazine Publishers for 5 years, we saw a huge gap between how publishers drive growth from content, and how we ourselves as B2B SaaS vendors leveraged content. So, we built Demand-Genius to fill that gap, and provide a simple, affordable solution that would help Content Marketers deliver measurable impact throughout the buyer journey.

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Our values

Although we're in the early stages of building Demand-Genius, our values and culture are at the heart of everything we've done and everything that we'll do together!

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Golden Rule

Don't be a **insert your word of choice here**!!

Everyone is proud to be part of D-G, but forget the ego and political nonsense, it's just not who we are.

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Celebrate Success

Don't take success for granted! You may not learn as much when things go well as when things go wrong, but success is what D-G is built upon and we take time to celebrate it

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Always ask 'Why?'

Just because it's always been done that way, doesn't mean it's the best way of doing it. Be comfortable challenging the status quo.

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Don't walk past broken windows

More of a metaphor than a rule, but if you see something that's not working, take it upon yourself to ensure it gets sorted.

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Celebrate Mistakes

It’s great when things go well, but it’s when the wheels fall off that you grow. We celebrate mistakes, and don’t want fear of failure to ever slow us down.

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Playbook writers, not runners

Don't expect that it's all been done and you just need to execute. Bring your ideas and experience and help us build something new and unique that we can all be proud of.