Content Ops, at your fingertips.

Measurable impact at every step of the buyer journey.

Content performance overviewContent performance analyticsIntegration config for Demand-Genius and HubSpot
Demand-Genius - Content Performance
Analytics - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Quantify your Value

Understand your true revenue impact to maximise resources and justify your budget.

Machine Learning - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Build a Strategic Roadmap

Strategically identify content gaps and opportunities with in-depth buyer journey insight.

Commitment - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Work better with Sales

Go from siloed functions, to a single, highly efficient go-to-market team.

Career Growth - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Delight your prospects

No more repetitive lead forms! Adapt content gates and data capture to your prospect’s buyer journey.

Lily Woods - Simpletech X Webflow TemplateDemand-Genius - Directory

Would you like a little help making the case for Demand-Genius?

You get it, but you want to explain it to others? This one-pager is designed to help you out.


Quantify your Value

Only 17% of the buyer journey takes place with your reps. The rest takes place with your content.

We show you exactly how content impacts every step of the buyer journey and your company’s bottom line. Justify investment in content by showing exactly how it impacts critical revenue metrics.

Get started
Analysing content performance

Build a Strategic Roadmap

Understand how different content types, topics and specific pieces perform at each stage in the buyer journey.

We let you zoom out and understand exactly where the content gaps and opportunities are in your buyer’s journey. Leverage this to build a strategic content roadmap that balances your KPIs and drives revenue growth.

Talk to Us

Work better with Sales

For Revenue-focused content teams, Sales are your most important distribution channel.

Show reps exactly how and when to use content to close more deals, and the impact doing so can have on what they care about: close rates, ACV, and time-to-close.

Get started
Marketing and Sales working together
Successful SaaS Customer

Delight your prospects

Carefully orchestrate every interaction as if you were personally guiding your prospect.

Implement dynamic gating and progressive profiling strategies that evolve as users progress through the buyer journey, completely code-free.

Talk to Us

Implement in under an hour.

You can get Demand-Genius setup and configured in your lunch hour - 30 minutes is all it takes.

1. Create your account

Click get started and create your Demand-Genius account. You'll be guided through the onboarding journey in the platform.

Demand-Genius login image

2. Install our tracking tag

Install the Demand-Genius snippet on your site either directly within your CMS or via a tag manager.

Install Our Tracking Pixel - Simpletech X Webflow Template

3. Connect with your CRM

Connect and configure your deal stages in Demand-Genius to start orchestrating content experiences and reporting on content performance across your buyer journey.

Demand-Genius HubSpot Integration

How does Demand-Genius Work?

Demand-Genius integrates with your CRM and your Website.

Our AI understands both the online and the offline buyer journey. Use that insight to guide both your content strategy and your buyer’s digital experience.