The Buyer Journey is Digital

Just 17% of the buyer journey is with your reps, the rest is with your content.

Joining the dot in the buyer journeySales touch points in the buyer journey
Struggle to measure impact
Struggle to make content appeal to different buyer journey stages
Struggle to align content efforts between Sales and Marketing impact

Efficient Growth requires Effective Content

Great reps are good at getting into the room.

Great GTM teams influence buyers, even when they can’t.

It’s the key to efficient growth.

What's the Impact?

Understanding and improving digital buyer journeys is not just a problem for content teams and marketing teams.

It’s a problem for the entire go-to-market function.


Unable to demonstrate its connection to revenue, content is often viewed as a nice-to-have and under-resourced.


Without the data to underpin a strategic content roadmap, content teams can struggle to filter requests and requirements from different stakeholders.

Frustrated Marketing Manager

Wasted Time

Manual attribution and data analysis wastes time and leads to mistakes.

Wasted Budget

We know content helps, but we don’t know how much. Allocating resources is impossible without clear data to show you what drives ROI and what doesn’t.

Frustrated Content Marketer

Low Attainment

Reps have less time with buyers, and it shows in industry-wide quota attainment.

Missed Forecasts

67% of SaaS companies miss their forecast by +11%. It’s no surprise, you rely on reps updating a CRM with data from fewer and fewer interactions.

Frustrated Sales Rep

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