Connecting Content to revenue

Content drives revenue, Demand-Genius  shows you how!

Content Performance

Content performance analytics
Content Ops at your Fingertips

Demand-Genius gives revenue-focused content teams the power of a marketing ops team, in a simple dashboard. See how you impact metrics like deal velocity, close rates, ACV and of course, closed revenue.

Data-Driven Content Strategy

Demand-Genius shows you exactly how every type, topic and piece of content impacts each stage of the buyer journey, helping you build a strategic content roadmap that drives revenue.

Content Experience

Buyer Journey Personalisation

Carefully orchestrate every interaction as if you were personally guiding your prospect, delighting buyers and efficiently closing more deals.

Reader-led Gating

Implement dynamic gating and progressive profiling strategies that evolve as users progress through the buyer journey, completely code-free, to provide a buyer experience that drives revenue growth.

Demand-Genius Define Module

Gartner expects that by 2025...

80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels.

Great content is critical to efficient revenue growth.

Getting direct time with prospects is harder than ever. Great content lets you influence buyers when you’re not in the room.

Gartner 80% of buyer interaction are online

Who is Demand-Genius For?

There are two key GTM functions that love Demand-Genius... for now!

Marketing Teams - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Content teams

Operate like the strategic, revenue-critical function you are, putting data at the heart of your content strategy and your buyers’ experience.

“Just because I’m AI-generated, doesn’t mean I don’t know game changing content analytics when I see them”

Botty McBotface
Engineers - Simpletech X Webflow Template

Marketing Teams

Understand exactly how Content impacts your KPIs, so you can delight prospects and allocate resources strategically.

Matt Cannon - Simpletech X Webflow Template

“I may be an AI-generated marketer, but that doesn’t stop me loving Demand-Genius”

Simon Silicon
Start Tracking Your Users - Simpletech X Webflow TemplateDemand-Genius - Directory

Demand-Genius was built with Content Marketers, for Content Marketers. Four prototypes and loads of customer interviews, to produce a platform that is game-changing for our customers.